Me ( Robert 1st cousin) and Paul having a much loved beer and many laughs in Paul & Corals garden at home
Paul & Coral, With there two beautiful dogs in the garden
Cousin Janes Wedding
Such a shock! Paul was such a happy, smiling, easy going and incredibly knowledgeable guy, always willing to help others. 'Baggy Evans' will be sorely missed. Thoughts with Coral and all the family at this very sad time. Vicki and Wayne XXX
Planting out this year's produce
St John's school photo circa 1974
Always felt great playing games with Paul even though he always won!!
Good memories. Getting some plumbing tips from the man who invented the famous waste of time pipe!
IMG 5750
Paul's Retirement drinks
Paul's Retirement drinks
I remember this picture being taken, I was the second oldest so got to hold Paul's hand. Our socks were washed in Persil for sure.
September 2018 - Visit to Bristol
Easter 2020 - Movie Time!
August 2020 - Visit to Lincoln
Paul was always up for a thrill ride
Cornwall 2008
Paul introduced me to Punky & family at an Indian restaurant near Thornhill Power Station - horrible ice cream, but I just had to order one!
Paul in the Lake District June 2003
Paul and Coral trying to figure out how to get whatever this is home on a motorbike. Lakes June 2003
Group Picture at the Tan Hill Inn June 2003
Florence _ Dle Mapping Training June 2019 - Paul and Francesca in FieldCore Florence's office - a pleasure for me to worked with a great man as Paul was !